Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 10 - Calories

I'm cruising!  Haven't had any desire to booze away any brain cells.  Going to bed sober is a fantastic feeling....almost as nice as waking up unhangovered.

One of the hopeful outcomes to my new found sobriety is weight loss.  I need to drop about 30, and I have for about twelve years.....I think most people gain weight after marriage.  I gained weight before I got married and have yet to take it off.  Coincidentally (or not) my drinking increased noticeably a few months before I married Mrs. DrinkyMcDrinks.  It's not that I didn't want to get married.  I did.  But that whole planning a wedding thing was stressful.  And we had a big wedding.  Like 400 people big...and I had lots of words to say during the ceremony.  Not my choice. 

Sidenote:  I can't take any credit for the planning part of the wedding.  That was all my wife and her mother.  Pretty much all I had to do was squeeze my fat ass into a tux and show up...and say a lot of words in front of 400 people.

Anyhow, the 30 pounds.   I joined a crossfit gym almost two years ago.  Yes, I joined the cult, and I LOVE it!.  I'm stronger than I've ever been, and I've lost inches all over.  But I've only lost about 10 lbs. since joining.  Why?  My guess is the following has been a big part of the problem:

Let's say I typically drank five nights a week. Two really stiff drinks (3 shots of vodka per)  The Lose It app says a shot of 80 proof vodka is 64 calories.  So that's 1920 calories of vodka per week.

64 calories per shot * 6 shots/night * 5 nights/week = 1920

That's a lot of vodka calories per week.  But here's the kicker;  If I'm drinking, I'm eating.  By the time I get halfway done with the first vodka drink, the refrigerator starts calling my name.  Could be leftovers, could be tortilla chips.  If I've really feeling it I might make a giant three layer plate of nachos.  My last drunken night I at a bag of leftover tortilla chips and then two big pieces of leftover meatloaf that I brought home from my parents house.  That was some crazy good meatloaf.

I had to of killed over 1000 calories of food that night....but it was an especially bad night.  I had three mighty strong drinks that Sunday, as opposed to the typical two.

I don't really know how many calories I typically consumed during my former drinking nights, but I'll bet it's at least 500.  Times that by five nights and we're up to 2500 calories of late night binge food. 

1920 calories of vodka/week + 2500 calories of (you're eating cuz you're drinking food) = 4420 calories.

And I wonder why I can't lose any fucking weight?  Hopefully, sobriety will help fix that.  Lord knows I get enough exercise.  In ten days of sobriety, I have yet to eat anything after dinner.

One day at a time.  This weekend will be a bit of a test....for reasons I'll explain later.

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