Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 64 - Busy week

Last week was spring break.  We had plans to go out to the cabin both weekends, but those plans all fell through.  My father in law has been ill so my wife went down to Houston on the first Saturday of spring break to spend time with him and help out my mother in law.  This of course left me alone with the kids for several days....which typically would have meant much drinking, at least after the kids went to bed.  Not this time around.  I didn't even have the urge.

By Wednesday my wife wasn't ready to come back so the boys and I went down to Houston for a few days.  This made me a little nervous.  My mother in law is a 5:00 wine drinker and she and I had kinda become drinking buddies over the years.  She was surprised to hear that I was on the wagon, but it wasn't a problem and it certainly didn't bother her.

What kinda got me was the fact that I can't remember the last sober night I had spent at the in laws house.  Much like our California vacations, I was used to drinking every night there....heavily!  I would typically have a few drinks in the evening and then power down once everybody went to bed, which was usually fairly early.

The boys and I arrived in Houston on Wednesday at about 4:00.  I wasn't the least bit surprised to see Gene Simmons there....bastard!  We exchanged pleasantries and he asked if we were hammering down while I was there.  I told him it wasn't happening this time around.  He quickly got the hint and didn't stick around long.  As he was leaving I told him his wig wasn't fooling anybody.   He still doesn't have much of a sense of humor. 

That was the last time I saw him, although he texted me a couple of times while I was still in Houston.

The five year old and I came back Saturday.  He had a birthday party to go to.  My wife came back with Seven last night.  Seven will be changing his name to Eight on Saturday, so try to keep up.

So, 64 days in.....Still feels good.  Still sleeping incredibly well.  I haven't really thought about how long I'm going to take this streak.  I'm still clinging to one day at a time.  I haven't really thought about the fact that I'm on a streak lately.  When Gene stops by and I contemplate a drink, I don't seem to have to fight the urge to abstain.  There's no internal struggle.....I just think about how nice it feels to go to bed sober and wake up unhungovered.   The novelty of that may at some point wear off, but so far it's working.

1 comment:

  1. Love all this - especially the brief Gene sighting and Seven's imminent name change! Such good news!
