Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 6

Days four and five were relatively easy, although last night was the first Friday in a long time that I spent least a year.

Today was definitely a little more of a challenge.  I hung out with one of my best friends this afternoon.  I was helping him paint a guitar body in his garage.  Yeah, a couple of 40 year old geeks in the garage acting like high school kids.

We had to run to the hardware store and on the way back my friend stopped at the liquor store for some beer.  Wasn't that big of a deal, but for a split second I had that urge to buy a bottle of vodka for the evening.  The urge passed though and all was good.  He offered me a beer when we got back to his house, but even when I was drinking, it was neither my time or place. 

The drive home is when it really hit me.  My wife had spent the afternoon with the boys.  They were being assholes and my wife was justifiably irritated with them.  I knew walking into my house was going to be chaotic.  It was also Saturday afternoon.  That's when the little voice inside of me started talking.....and I quote:

"Hey dipshit, this whole sobriety thing is really cute and all, but let's be honest;  It's been six days since our last drink.  You haven't told anybody that you quit drinking, and nobody has read or has any idea that you started this ridiculous little blog. Enough is enough.  Stop by the liquor store on your way home and pick us up a bottle of vodka. Let's get fucked up Metal Mania and drunk text your friends.  Just like old times!

Do it!  And buy the big bottle.  The liquor store is closed on Sunday and I want this party to last a few days."

That was the first real urge I've had since I've started this dry voyage. It passed, and the rest of the evening was fine.  It's weird, but resisting the urge to stop at the liquor store on the way home kinda killed the urge for the rest of the night.

Tomorrow will be one week....One day at a time!

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