Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 15 - I was drunk....

I was drunk on my wedding night.

I was drunk every night of my honeymoon.

I was drunk the night my younger son was born.

I was drunk 15 nights ago.

Last year I went on vacation to California for two weeks....I was drunk every night during that vacation.

I was drunk Christmas night....and the previous Christmas night.

I was drunk during last year's Super Bowl....1997 was the last Super Bowl that I remember watching completely sober.

I was drunk the day my Mom got out of prison.  Haha!  David Allen Coe song.

I was drunk the night of my grandfather's funeral in December...and the night before.

I was drunk the night Princess Diana died.

I was drunk on my birthday.

I was drunk the night of my last wedding anniversary.

I was drunk Thanksgiving night.

I was drunk the night OJ rode around in the white Bronco.

I've been drunk every New Year's Eve for the last 20+ years.

I was drunk the night before Father's day when I was 17 years old.  I spent the night at a friend's house.  Got up the next morning, went home and crawled into bed.  My Mom made blueberry pancakes for breakfast to celebrate Father's Day.  I was too hungover to participate.  The rest of the family ate pancakes...I puked in the toilet.  That was my first real drunk.

I'm not drunk tonight.....I'm going to bed sober.

1 comment:

  1. wow this is a powerful post. I can think back to so many memories with a 'I was drunk that night' thought too.. nice to meet you and look forward to following along your journey..xx
