Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 70 - If it's not one thing......

I'm happy to say that I have had no urge to drink over the last week....none, zilch, zero!  That's been nice.  I can now say that I'm cured!  I don't have to worry about the occasional drink anymore.

Haha Drinky!  Try again!

I day at a time....stick with what works.

I don't know why I used to drink so much.  Obviously I was trying to escape something, but I'm not terribly interested in diving into the inner working of my dome to try to figure it out.  At least not now. 

What I do know from my personal history is that when I have mustered up the willpower to eliminate one bad habit, another bad habit often replaced it.  Enter sugar!  I've never been real big on sugar.  I enjoy a little ice cream now and again and the occasional birthday cake, but I've never had a problem turning it down.

But since I quit drinking it seems like the sugar cravings have increased.  And it's not just sugar....refined carbs in general have become a problem.  Potato chips, bread, pizza.  Stuffing my face full of refined carbs makes me feel good and stuffed.  The problem is I'm hungry again ten minutes later.  When I started this sober journey I had grand plans of dropping the 20 or 30 lbs that have been following me around for the last several years.  So much for that idea.  I guess it's time to rethink things. 

I might be pushing the limits of my willpower by thinking that I can eliminate junk carbs while still abstaining from the happy juice, but I think it's time to give it a shot.  If it becomes too much, I'll eat a pizza and leave the liquor store alone. 

In other news, Seven turned Eight yesterday.  He had his party at Soccer Zone.  He had a great time and I learned something new.....I thought I was in fairly good shape, but after three hours of soccer, dodgeball, and basketball......Holy Mary Mother of God was I wrong about that.  I was pretty worn out last night (and sober) when I went to bed.  When I woke up this morning, everything hurt.  Everything!  I'm sure the five cupcakes I ate yesterday didn't help matters.

It's been a long weekend.  I'm looking forward to going to bed sober soon.


  1. We are singing the same tune. I've been waiting for those pesky pounds to drop off while filling my face with all kinds of carbs. Then wonder why I'm not losing weight. I have to remind myself that being fat is way better than being a drunk idiot at this point. The rest will fall in place with time but for now I'll focus on sobriety. :)

  2. You may know this already but the whole craving sugar when you quit drinking thing is sooo common (and refined carbs too, which is essentially the same thing). Personally my thinking is 'screw it', in early sobriety if you have the damn cake/ice cream that's better than booze and you can tackle that later. But some say it just makes cravings worse and it will affect mood swings too.

    Still, give it time, it'll come. If you're ready to tackle that now, fabulous. If not, you can always set yourself a deadline to do it a bit later on. Or focus on small healthy changes perhaps?

    Big whoo hoo on the 70 days and lack of cravings!

